Thursday, January 17, 2013

"This must be how Allyson Felix Feels"

Saturday, I clocked my longest run so far - 6.5 miles! Well, technically I didn't "clock" 6.5 because I paused my app and forgot to restart it for half a mile, but the other people running with me confirmed we'd logged 6.55 miles. This was especially exciting because:
  1. So much of running is mental. Any mental win is big!
  2. I had never before consciously decided to run 5 or more miles. Any other time was an accident because I'd gotten lost or because I was tricked. (For the record, this was 6.55 miles because we all got lost. It was only supposed to be ~5.5.)
  3. I ran the entire time without music which meant I was forced to listen to my thoughts. My thoughts (retrospectively) were quite entertaining. I was constantly coaching myself out of competition with others. Running, at my current stage at least (and for my forseeable future), is SO not about that. I had the nerve to think...literally, in my little 'just started running 6 months ago' head - "This must be how Allyson Felix feels" when I comfortably strode past a guy who had been ahead of me for most of the run. Really? Allyson Felix, huh? lol
  4. Most importantly, I'm still 3 months away from my half, training hasn't technically started for it yet, and I just completed half the distance of it.  That felt good. 
Here's a pic from the foggy morning 6.55 miler. 

I've been out of running commission for the last 4 days because of a nasty little virus, but I hope to hit the pavement tonight!

Happy Running.


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